You can create your Tenterden Card Offer by filling in the details below. If you’re not a Chamber member offers will be available for 30 days maximum.
If you’re already a Chamber Member, you can login to add your Tenterden Card offer, as well as manage your business profile, upcoming events and job vacancies.
The Tenterden Card is an initiative of Tenterden & District Chamber of Commerce to help our High Street and local businesses by encouraging local shopping.
Tenterden Cards are available to purchase for £1 from many High Street shops, Cafés and Pubs in and around Tenterden. You can see the Card in various participating shops and businesses – in fact a single visit could save you more than the £1 cost straightaway.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Confirm Email
Name of Business
Offer Title
Start Date
End Date
Please Note: Non-Chamber member Tenterden Card Offers can only be valid for a maximum of 30 days at a time.
Are you happy with all your offer details?
You’re missing some information, please fill in all required areas.
Your offer '{OFFER_TITLE}' for {BUSINESS_NAME} has been created and will be available until {DATE_END}.
Join Tenterden Chamber to create your own business profile, post multiple offers, upcoming events and job vacancies.