St Mildred's Church

Church / Religion

Service Area Icon WhiteKent

About St Mildred's Church

St Mildred's Church is a stunning medieval church whose imposing tower dominates the town's skyline. Most of the building dates back to the 13th and 14th centuries.

Our worship is of both ancient and modern types and our worshippers embrace a wide range of Christian custom. Our usual Sunday morning services are an early spoken communion of traditional-language type with a later sung communion using contemporary language. On the first Sunday of each month the latter is replaced by a Family Service intended to embrace all who love the Lord, of whatever individual age or circumstance.

8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am 1st Sunday - Family Service
9.30am All other Sundays - The Parish Eucharist
6.00pm 1st Sunday - Sung Eucharist with Prayers for Healing
6.00pm 2nd Sunday - "Create Space" Service in the Church Hall
6.00pm 3rd Sunday - Choral Evensong
6.00pm Other Sundays - as announced

Contact: Vicar: The Reverend Canon Lindsay John Hammond, The Vicarage, Church Road, Tenterden, Tel: 01580 761591

Associate Vicar: The Revd Margaret Roylance, 5 Southgate Road, Tenterden, Tel. 01580 762332

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